Our History
It all began in 1968.
God used Rev. Maurice Stevens' trip to Haiti to plant the seeds of a dream. When he and his wife returned home to the US, they were burning with a passion to "take people out of the pew into the mission field".
And so Missionary World Service & Evangelism was born. Maurice helped pioneer a new form of mission ministry: short term missions. He led people on short term mission trips all around the world and came alongside indigenous leaders to share the gospel with their nations.
When Maurice passed away in 1986, Larry Cochran took the helm of the ministry, and began to emphasize church planting in the remote areas of Central and South America.
It wasn't until 1994 that Missionary World Service & Evangelism was finally renamed to become what it is today: GO InterNational.
In 2007, Bert Jones took over as president. He, along with the help of Dr. Larry Frick, developed a medical mission ministry to try and heal the people they met physically as well as spiritually.
Starting in 2014, Ron Houp began his presidency at GO, and continues it to this day with a focus on discipleship in addition to evangelism.
Today, more than 50 years from its origin, GO InterNational has sent over 1,000 mission teams to educate and feed disadvantaged children, plant churches, encourage pastors, provide medical care, and share the love of Jesus everywhere we go.
We are so grateful for our rich heritage and look excitedly toward our future as we continue to make disciples who make disciples all around the world, striving to fulfill the Great Commission.