GO InterNational

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The Power of God at Work in Honduras

At the end of our time in Honduras, our team presented a Vision Seminar on Integral Disciple Making Movements to 30 pastors and leaders from the churches and communities where we had been providing medical clinics throughout the week. One of our goals for the Vision Seminar was to teach leaders and pastors how to implement a Discovery Bible Study (DBS) in their own churches and communities. We do this by demonstrating how to do a DBS with a couple of volunteers.

You may be wondering what exactly is a DBS and why is it important? A DBS is a simple way to study the Bible with others that creates connection, discovery, obedience, and multiplication. A facilitator picks a passage of Scripture, the group reads that Scripture out loud together, and people in the group then retell what they just heard in their own words. The facilitator then asks the following questions:

  1. What does this passage teach me about God?

  2. What does this passage teach me about others?

  3. If this is God speaking, how will I respond this week to what I have learned? “I will……”

This approach allows the Holy Spirit to speak to each person individually in order to discover the truth of Scripture and for the living, active, powerful Word of God to speak for itself! Anyone can facilitate a DBS and the exciting part is that it's being used all over the world in successful disciple-making movements! 

When facilitating a DBS, it's important to be attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and adaptable to whatever direction the Holy Spirit takes it. Michelle Gash experienced the need to be adaptable and flexible to the Spirit as she was demonstrating the DBS during the Vision Seminar. 

A pastor and a young man volunteered to participate in the DBS demonstration and as the young man began to share, he opened up about the recent death of a coworker and the dangers of his job. Michelle decided to stop in the middle of the demonstration and pray for this young man. As the pastor who volunteered began praying for the young man, he asked the young man if he wanted to recommit his life to Jesus. And the young man said YES! So right there, in the middle of this DBS demonstration, this young man made the decision to walk with Jesus again! 

The exciting part is just a few days prior, another team member had seen this young man in the medical clinic. The young man shared that he had gone to church in the past but wasn't ready to return to Jesus yet. Our team member prayed that God would soften his heart and the Lord answered that prayer! We give God all the glory and the praise for what He did in this young man's life!

Are you curious about a Discovery Bible Study and want to learn more? Wondering how to implement a DBS in your church, community, neighborhood, family, or wherever else the Spirit is leading? Let us help you! Check out this video and contact us at info@gointernational.org for resources, tips, and training on how to implement a DBS where you are!